The K9 Companion class began as an entry level training course for dogs that are 6 months or older. The concepts, however, can be used for all ages of dogs including puppies. The class introduces you to reward-based training techniques that will help you communicate to your dog a basic vocabulary of commands and will strengthen the bond you have with your dog to help make him or her a better house companion. Please review all the weeks because information in latter weeks make be useful immediately. Certainly there are various sequences in which the exercises may be taught and you should do what works best for you and your K9 Companion.

Homework Sheet #4


  • Review ATTENTION and play the EYE CONTACT game various times of the day and in different places.

  • Have someone hold your dog and call him to you in a very excited voice and even hide around the house when you call him to you.

  • Walk your dog over place boards and anything else for that matter, do “puppy pushups” (sit/down/sit/down) on the place board, before you take him out, before feeding him or any time he wants your attention.

  • Put your dog in a SIT and tell him to STAY while you walk around him, stand over him and face him then do the same thing when he’s in a DOWN.

  • Tell your dog to WAIT before he gets out of the car or before he goes outside.

  • Walk him around the house and every time you pass through a door tell him to WAIT, you go through first and then tell him it’s OK to follow.

  • Tell your dog to sit on the place board and first practice having him stand without saying a word, then add the word as is described on the handout.

  • Have your dog sitting next to you and tell him “let’s go”. Take just a few steps forward and then call your dog to you as you back up. We call this a COME-FORE and its purpose is to keep your dog's attention on you. Do a come-fore every time your dog starts to walk away and not stay with you. Don't try to walk too far at this time because it’s better to get good attention for a few steps than go farther with no attention. Your dog doesn’t have to look at you rather just be aware of the fact that he’s supposed to be with you.

  • Read the Calming Signals handout and be aware of the signals your dog is giving you. Write them on the back of this sheet so we can talk about them in the next class.

  • And finally remember that Nothing In Life Is FREE!! Reread the handout and continue incorporating this concept in your daily life and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the change in your dog. But remember….this is a family project so everyone needs to be on the same page or your dog will respect you and not the others.

Training Log








1st daily Training Session

2nd daily



3rd daily

